Coming Exhibitions & Activities in 2024

2025 展覽與活動






藝術博覽會 / Art Central

當代藝術家黃柏勳將在三月底參加最具盛名的Art Central 藝術博覽會,今年帶來全新作品,歡迎位於香港的好友一起來參觀。


contemporary artist Huang Po-Hsun will be participating in the prestigious Art Central at the end of March, presenting a series of new works. Friends in Hong Kong are welcome to visit and explore the exhibition.

Exhibition Period: 2025/03/26 – 03/30
Venue: Central Harbourfront, Hong Kong
Booth: B27






【迎光探尋 – 當代藝術展】/ The Guiding Light – Contemporary Art Exhibition

【迎光探尋 – 當代藝術展】,當代藝術家黃柏勳將與黃至正、王曉波兩位深具風格識別性的藝術家,以「光」為主題一起發表。

展期:2025/0 2/ 22~03/06
時間:週二至週六 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
地點:香港黃竹坑道40號1A 葵寶大樓 A Gallery

"The Guiding Light – Contemporary Art Exhibition" features contemporary artist Huang Po-Hsun alongside the highly distinctive artists Huang Chih Cheng and Wang Xiao Bo, exploring the theme of "light" through their works.

Exhibition Period: 2025/02/22 – 03/06
Opening Hours: Tue - Sat, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Venue: A Gallery, 1A, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, 40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong






【洛杉磯藝術博覽會】 / Los Angeles Art Show

馬不停蹄,當代藝術家黃柏勳將在屆滿三十年的洛杉磯藝術博覽會(LA Art Show)有全新作品的展出。這次以「潛行」為主題,展出兩件深具東方色彩的系列作品,歡迎在洛杉磯旅行或居住的朋友,前往參觀。

展期 : 2025/2/19 - 2/23
地點 : 洛杉磯會議中心 Los Angeles Convention Center
地址 : 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
展位 : 106
合作畫廊 : 御書房

2 月 19 日(週三)開幕之夜 18:00 - 22:00(VIP 專場)
2 月 20 日(週四) 12:00 - 20:00
2 月 21 日(週五) 12:00 - 20:00
2 月 22 日(週六) 11:00(VIP 專場) 12:00 - 20:00(一般觀眾)
2 月 23 日(週日) 11:00(VIP 專場) 12:00 - 18:00(一般觀眾)

Nonstop and full of momentum, contemporary artist Huang Po-Hsun will be showcasing his latest works at the 30th anniversary of the LA Art Show.
This exhibition, themed "Submerge", will feature two series of artworks rich in Eastern aesthetics. Friends traveling to or residing in Los Angeles are warmly invited to visit and experience the exhibition.

Date: February 19-23, 2025
Venue: Los Angeles Convention Center
Address: 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Booth: 106

Show Hours:
Opening Night: Wednesday Feb 19th 6-10pm (VIP)
Thursday Feb 20th 12pm-8pm
Friday Feb 21st 12pm-8pm
Saturday Feb 22nd 11am(VIP only) 12pm-8pm
Sunday Feb 23rd 11am(VIP only) 12pm-6pm





Gallery Leclair 當代藝術開幕首展 / Gallery Leclair Contemporary Art Grand Opening Exhibition

新年開春之際,當代藝術家黃柏勳(Huang , Po-Hsun)很榮幸的參加位於比利時的Gallery Leclair開幕首展。

Gallery Leclair,位於比利時以鑽石切割與加工工藝著名的Antwerpen。本次展出位於亞洲、澳洲與歐洲各地的九位藝術家,分別來自日本、澳洲、台灣、荷蘭、和比利時。他們分別用不同的創作手法,表現當代藝術多元與充滿想像的面貌。

展覽地址:Kloosterstraat 28, 2000 Antwerpen

At the start of the new year, contemporary artist Huang Po-Hsun is honored to participate in the inaugural exhibition of Gallery Leclair, located in Belgium.

Gallery Leclair is situated in Antwerp, a city renowned for its diamond cutting and craftsmanship. This exhibition features nine artists from Asia, Australia, and Europe, hailing from Japan, Australia, Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Each artist presents their unique creative approach, showcasing the diversity and imagination of contemporary art.

Exhibition Opening Date: January 16, 2025
Opening Reception: 17:00–22:00
Exhibition Address: Kloosterstraat 28, 2000 Antwerpen





Statement on Recent Plagiarism Incident / 近日抄襲事件聲明

It has come to our attention that an image displayed in a certain restaurant (hereinafter referred to as the "replica") is not the original work and constitutes an unauthorized reproduction. Following legal negotiation, the holder of the replica has agreed to destroy it and has committed to fully complying with copyright laws, refraining from any further illegal reproductions.
We strongly remind everyone: copyright laws protect the rights of creators, and unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. Do not assume exceptions will be made, as violations will result in legal action to protect the rights of the original artist.


異常豐富的瑰麗時空 Extraordinarily rich and magnificent time and space

Extraordinarily rich and magnificent time and space


The main idea of my works is "Abundant yet lonely". I have been trying to clarify the reality from my illusion through the materials I use to create.

I had two main ways to express my idea. One was using the unique texture of acrylic painting to distinguish itself from other painting materials and to find other possible ways of painting of acrylic. The other one was considering the changes of figures when I stepped into a virtual space from the real visual world. The former one means the research of materials and the later one means reconstructions of daily images. I have been using acrylic as painting material for a long time. I can do my best to paint acrylic as a shiny membrane when it was dried. I have intentionally painted the elements of my paintings shiny, flat, and even with the reflection of complementary colors to show the differences from oil painting. That is why you can always find smooth and gradient textures like you saw in 3D digital paintings in my pieces. I have controlled the shade and the brightness of every lamination to create fantastic sheen.




Official Statement from Huang, Po-Hsun / MooDan Studio

黃柏勳 / 牡丹工作室 官方聲明

The copyright (including moral rights and economic rights) and ownership of the work *"Yesterday's Poetry"* belong solely to me, Huang Po-Hsun. Any reproduction, duplication, or replication of my works must be authorized through an official document or contract bearing my signature and stamp to be considered lawful and legitimate. Recently, an unauthorized reproduced image (hereafter referred to as the "reproduction") was found displayed in a restaurant. After negotiation, the holder of the reproduction has agreed to destroy it and to comply with copyright laws, refraining from any further unauthorized reproductions. We take this opportunity to remind the public to respect creators' copyrights and to avoid any unauthorized use or replication that may infringe upon the rights of the original artist.


抄襲事件-證據1 抄襲事件-證據1
抄襲事件-證據2 抄襲事件-證據2
抄襲事件-原圖 抄襲事件-原作

Graphic Artworks






Selected Exhibitions


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